Commercial Works
in Murals, Decorative Art & Plaster
Studio 888 637-3726
Above ^1 of
Buon Fresco's 3 Ceiling Murals for Cafe
Milano's in Georgetown, location of the upcoming Presidential
Inauguration Party for president elect - Donald Trump.
Shown Right>
Mural for BET Restaurant Lobby |

Above & Below ^ Art Details & Murals
for Cafe Milano,
location of the upcoming Presidential Inauguration Party
president elect - Donald Trump.
Cafe Milano Maitre D' Lobby - Italian
Plaster design |
Cafe Milano Coat of Arms |
Milano Detail from Placido Domingo portrait for 'Domingo Room' |
All Image Copyright�
Buon Fresco 2017 ................................................Photos
Above and Right - Hard at work on 12 Murals for Washington DC's historic
Smithsonian Institute |
of commercial projects
MUSEUM 12 Murals DC
cafe milano restaurant DC lobby &
dining rooms - venetian plaster
cafe milano - domingo room -
cafe milano - main dining
room - mural
cafe milano - cafe room -
villa franco DC - Dining Room - mural
bet restaurant DC - lobby
- mural
le lavandous dc - dining room mural
58 riverside drive,
Coop Building NyC, main lobby Venetian Plaster
1325 18th st. dc Coop
main lobby - venetian plaster

One of 12 Murals painted for the
Smithsonian Institute's Panamanian Exhibit 2010 |

Above ^ Mural
For DREAMWORKS Film 'Head of State' with Chris Rock. 2002 |
Above - Ceiling Mural for Restaurant Villa Franco Washington DC |
Buon Fresco, LLC
Fayetteville, NY
Tel. 888.637.3726 |